Thursday, June 17, 2010
Chocolate Labrador Retriever Stuff
Who wouldn't love this close-up of a smiling chocolate lab? How cute!
Yellow Labrador Retriever/Pitbull Mix
Cute, sweet, playful Buster, who is available for adoption, is a yellow labrador retriever/pitbull mix dog whose photo is now offered in the online stores: Zazzle and Cafepress. Remember, all proceeds support shelter animals.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Basset Hound Items
I just posted basset hound products. Did you know that their long floppy ears help pick up and track scents?
My Zazzle store has these products:
My Cafepress store has the following items for this breed:
My Zazzle store has these products:
- greeting/note cards
- postcards
- keychains
- postage stamps
- round and square refrigerator magnets
- bumper stickers that say "Adopt a Shelter Pet" and "I Love My Shelter Dog"
My Cafepress store has the following items for this breed:
- greeting/note cards
- oval stickers
- license plate frames
- postcards
- tote bags
- small and large coffee mugs
- travel mugs
- reusable water bottles
- stackable mug sets
- beer steins
- rectangular refrigerator magnets
- bumper stickers that say "Adopt a Shelter Pet" and "I Love My Shelter Dog"
Boston Terrier Items
I've just posted Boston Terrier products. I love this dog breed, with the big floppy ears and how the head looks so different from its body. All the blueticks I have seen have the cutest grins too.
My Zazzle store has these products:
My Cafepress store has the following items:
My Zazzle store has these products:
- greeting/note cards
- postcards
- keychains
- postage stamps
- round and square refrigerator magnets
- bumper stickers that say "Adopt a Shelter Pet" and "I Love My Shelter Dog"
My Cafepress store has the following items:
- greeting/note cards
- oval stickers
- license plate frames
- postcards
- tote bags
- small and large coffee mugs
- travel mugs
- reusable water bottles
- stackable mug sets
- beer steins
- rectangular refrigerator magnets
- bumper stickers that say "Adopt a Shelter Pet" and "I Love My Shelter Dog"
Bluetick Coonhound Products
Bluetick Coonhound products are now available. I love this dog breed, with the big floppy ears and how the head looks so different from its body. All the blueticks I have seen have the cutest grins too.
My Zazzle store has these products:
My Cafepress store has the following items:
My Zazzle store has these products:
- greeting/note cards
- postcards
- keychains
- postage stamps
- round and square refrigerator magnets
- bumper stickers that say "Adopt a Shelter Pet" and "I Love My Shelter Dog"
My Cafepress store has the following items:
- greeting/note cards
- oval stickers
- license plate frames
- postcards
- tote bags
- small and large coffee mugs
- travel mugs
- reusable water bottles
- stackable mug sets
- beer steins
- rectangular refrigerator magnets
- bumper stickers that say "Adopt a Shelter Pet" and "I Love My Shelter Dog"
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Cat Breed License Plate Frames
I have just posted cat breed license plate frames! I will update this list as I add more, which will be very soon and will include types of cats by coat style (tabby, orange, tortoiseshell, black and white, gray, calico, etc.):
- Abyssinian Cat
- American Bobtail
- American Shorthair Cat
- Bengal Cat
- Birman Cat
- British Shorthair Cat
- Cornish Rex Cat
- Devonshire Rex Cat
- Egyptian Mau Cat
- Havana Brown Cat
- Himalayan Cat
- Maine Coon Cat
- Manx Cat
- Munchkin Cat
- Norwegian Forest Cat
- Ocicat
- Persian Cat
- Ragdoll Cat
- Russian Blue Cat
- Scottish Fold Cat
- Siamese Cat
- Siberian Cat
- Sphynx Cat
- Turkish Angora Cat
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Yesterday I took photos of red, yellow and orange lilies (lillies). I am not sure if they are Asiatic or tiger lilies, or if it's possible to be both kinds. I will soon be adding items to the stores with these flowers, as well as white dianthus, also known as sweet William. I also took digital photos of a pinkish-red candy daylily.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Flower Photography Items
My online stores also offer flower and nature photography, including photos of frogs. Both stores offer postcards greeting/note cards of all kinds: photos with no text, Mother's Day cards, birthday cards, congratulations cards, sympathy cards, get well soon cards, thank you cards and thinking of you cards.
The Zazzle store has cards plus square and round magnets and postage stamps.
The Cafepress store has cards plus rectangular magnets, calendars, notebooks/recipe books/address books, keepsake boxes to hold collectibles or even jewelry, tile coasters, framed tiles, clocks and throw pillows.
I add items every day. If there is a particular item or type of flower you are interested in but don't see, please inquire. The ones I have posted so far include:
The Zazzle store has cards plus square and round magnets and postage stamps.
The Cafepress store has cards plus rectangular magnets, calendars, notebooks/recipe books/address books, keepsake boxes to hold collectibles or even jewelry, tile coasters, framed tiles, clocks and throw pillows.
I add items every day. If there is a particular item or type of flower you are interested in but don't see, please inquire. The ones I have posted so far include:
- Lotus Flower (Water Lily)
- Gerber/Gerbera Daisy
- Calla Lily
- Phlox
- Daffodil (Narcissus)
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Pansy
- Dahlia
- Clematis
- Hibiscus
- Iris
- Sweet William (Dianthus)
- Canna Lily
- Sunflower
- Asiatic Lily
- Balloon Flower (Chinese Bellflower)
- Tulip
- Zinnia
Custom and Personalized Dog Breed Gifts and Merchandise
Shop for one-of-a-kind dog breed merchandise featuring hundreds of breeds (more to come!). The Cafepress store features a canine-themed design with a heart and paw print and the breed name as well as photos of actual purebreds and/or mixed-breed shelter dogs. The Zazzle offers those as well as a second design, that of monogrammed initials of each dog breed. The items make great gifts for animal lovers and dog owners of all ages!
Shop on Cafepress or on Zazzle (where you can customize items with the name of a person or pet or even add your own photo, if you choose).
Our Cafepress store features:
Our Zazzle store offers even more dog breeds!
Shop on Cafepress or on Zazzle (where you can customize items with the name of a person or pet or even add your own photo, if you choose).
Our Cafepress store features:
- Affenpinscher
- Afghan Hound
- Africanis
- Aidi
- Airedale Terrier
- Akbash Dog
- Akita
- Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog
- Alaskan Klee Kai
- Alaskan Malamute
- Alentejo Mastiff (Rafeiro do Alentejo)
- Alpine Dachsbracke
- American Bulldog
- American Eskimo Dog
- American Foxhound
- American Hairless Terrier
- American Leopard Hound
- American Pitbull Terrier
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- American Water Spaniel
- Anatolian Shepherd Dog
- Anglo-Francais de Petite Venerie
- Antebellum Bulldog
- Appenzeller
- Ariegeois
- Australian Bulldog
- Australian Cattle Dog
- Australian Kelpie
- Australian Shepherd
- Australian Terrier
- Austrian Black and Tan Hound
- Austrian Pinscher
- Azawakh
- Barak
- Barbet
- Basenji
- Basset Artesien Normand
- Basset Bleu de Gascogne
- Basset Fauve de Bretagne
- Basset Hound
- Bavarian Mountain Hound
- Beagle
- Beagle Harrier
- Bearded Collie
- Beauceron
- Bedlington Terrier
- Belgian Malinois
- Belgian Sheepdog
- Belgian Shepherd
- Belgian Tervuren
- Bergamasco
- Berger Picard
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bichon Frise
- Billy
- Black and Tan Coonhound
- Black Forest Hound
- Black Mouth Cur
- Black Russian Terrier
- Bloodhound
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Bolognese
- Border Collie
- Border Terrier
- Borzoi
- Boston Terrier
- Bouvier des Ardennes
- Bouvier des Flandres
- Boxer
- Boykin Spaniel
- Bracco Italiano
- Briard
- Brittany
- Brussels Griffon
- Bulldog
- Bullmastiff
- Bull Terrier
- Cairn Terrier
- Canaan Dog
- Cane Corso
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Chihuahua
- Chinese Crested
- Chinese Shar-Pei
- Chow Chow
- Clumber Spaniel
- Cocker Spaniel
- Collie (Rough and Smooth)
- Curly Coated Retriever
- Dachshund
- Dalmatian
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier
- Doberman Pinscher
- Dogue de Bordeaux
- English Bulldog
- English Coonhound
- English Foxhound
- English Mastiff
- English Setter
- English Springer Spaniel
- English Toy Spaniel
- Field Spaniel
- Finnish Spitz
- Flat-Coated Retriever
- French Brittany
- French Bulldog
- French Spaniel
- German Longhaired Pointer
- German Pinscher
- German Shepherd
- German Shorthaired Pointer
- German Spaniel
- German Spitz
- German Wirehaired Pointer
- Giant Schnauzer
- Glen of Imaal Terrier
- Goldendoodle
- Golden Retriever
- Gordon Setter
- Great Dane
- Great Pyrenees
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Greyhound
- Harrier
- Havanese
- Ibizan Hound
- Icelandic Sheepdog
- Indian Spitz
- Irish Red and White Setter
- Irish Setter
- Irish Terrier
- Irish Water Spaniel
- Irish Wolfhound
- Italian Greyhound
- Jack/Parson Russell Terrier
- Japanese Chin
- Japanese Spitz
- Keeshond
- Kerry Blue Terrier
- King Charles Spaniel
- Komondor
- Kuvasz
- Labradoodle
- Labrador Husky
- Labrador Retriever
- Lakeland Terrier
- Leonberger
- Lhasa Apso
- Lowchen
- Maltese
- Manchester Terrier
- Mastiff
- Miniature Bull Terrier
- Miniature Pinscher
- Miniature Schnauzer
- Neapolitan Mastiff
- Newfoundland
- Norfolk Terrier
- Norwegian Buhund
- Norwegian Elkhound
- Norwich Terrier
- Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
- Olde English Bulldogge
- Old English Sheepdog
- Otterhound
- Papillon
- Pekingese
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (PBGV)
- Pharaoh Hound
- Picardy Spaniel
- Plott Hound
- Pointer
- Polish Lowland Sheepdog
- Pomeranian
- Pont-Audemer Spaniel
- Poodle
- Portuguese Water Dog
- Pug
- Puli
- Pyrenean Shepherd
- Rat Terrier
- Redbone Coonhound
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Rottweiler
- Russian Spaniel
- Saint Bernard
- Sakhalin Husky
- Saluki
- Samoyed
- Schipperke
- Scottish Deerhound
- Scottish Terrier (Scottie)
- Sealyham Terrier
- Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie)
- Shiba Inu
- Shih Tzu
- Siberian Husky
- Silky Terrier
- Skye Terrier
- Smooth Fox Terrier
- Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
- Spinone Italiano
- Standard Schnauzer
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Sussex Spaniel
- Swedish Vallhund
- Tibetan Mastiff
- Tibetan Spaniel
- Tibetan Terrier
- Toy Fox Terrier
- Treeing Walker Coonhound
- Vizsla
- Weimaraner
- Welsh Springer Spaniel
- Welsh Terrier
- West Highland White Terrier (Westie)
- Whippet
- White English Bulldog
- Wire Fox Terrier
- Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
- Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie)
- Mixed Breed Hounds
- Mixed-Breed Terriers
- Other Dog Breed License Plate Frames
Our Zazzle store offers even more dog breeds!
Facebook and Twitter
Dog Breed License Plate Frames

Show your love for your dog/puppy's breed when you shop for a custom license plate frame for your car. Breeds are continually added each week. Many of these dog breeds are rare, and it may be hard finding items featuring them. Here are the ones in my Cafepress store (I will update the list as I add more):
- Affenpinscher
- Afghan Hound
- Africanis
- Aidi
- Akbash Dog
- Akita Inu
- Alano Español
- Alaskan Klee Kai
- Alopekis
- Alpine Dachsbracke
- Alsatian Shepalute
- American Akita
- American Bully
- American Eskimo Dog
- American Foxhound
- American Water Spaniel
- Anatolian Shepherd Dog
- Anglo-Français de Petite Vénerie
- Appenzeller Sennenhund
- Argentine Dogo
- Ariege Pointer
- Ariegeois
- Armant
- Armenian Gampr
- Artois Hound
- Australian Kelpie
- Austrian Black/Tan Hound
- Austrian Pinscher
- Azawakh
- Bakharwal Dog
- Barbet
- Basenji
- Basque Shepherd Dog
- Basset Artesien Normand
- Basset Bleu de Gascogne
- Basset Fauve de Bretagne
- Bavarian Mountain Hound
- Beagle-Harrier
- Bearded Collie
- Beauceron
- Belgian Malinois
- Belgian Tervuren
- Bergamasco Shepherd
- Berger Blanc Suisse
- Berger Picard
- Berner Laufhund
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bichon Frise
- Billy
- Bisben
- Black & Tan Coonhound
- Black & Tan Virginia Foxhound
- Black Norwegian Elkhound
- Blackmouth Cur
- Grand Bleu de Gascogne
- Petit Bleu de Gascogne
- Bloodhound
- Blue Lacy
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Petit Bleu de Gascogne
- Boerboel
- Bohemian Shepherd
- Bolognese
- Border Collie
- Borzoi
- Bosnian Coarse-haired Hound
- Bouvier des Ardennes
- Bouvier des Flandres
- Boxer
- Boykin Spaniel
- Bracco Italiano
- Braque d'Auvergne
- Braque du Bourbonnais
- Braque Français
- Braque Saint-Germain
- Briard
- Briquet Griffon Vendeen
- Brittany
- Broholmer
- Bruno Jura Hound
- Bucovina Shepherd Dog
- Bull and Terrier
- Bull Terrier
- Bully Kutta
- Cairn Terrier
- Canaan Dog
- Canadian Eskimo Dog
- Canadian Pointer
- Cane Corso
- Cão da Serra de Aires
- Cão de Castro Laboreiro
- Cão Fila de São Miguel
- Cardigan Welsh Corgi
- Carolina Dog
- Carpathian Shepherd
- Catahoula Cur
- Catalan Sheepdog
- Caucasian Ovtcharka
- Caucasian Shepherd
- Central Asian Shepherd
- Cesky Fousek
- Cesky Terrier
- Chart Polski
- Chesapeake Bay Retriever
- Chien Français Blanc et Noir
- Chinese Crested
- Chinook
- Clumber Spaniel
- Cocker Spaniel
- Collie
- Coton de Tulear
- Curly Coated Retriever
- Dachshund
- Dandie Dinmont Terrier
- Dogo Argentino
- Dutch Shepherd
- English Cocker Spaniel
- English Foxhound
- English Setter
- English Shepherd
- English Springer Spaniel
- English Toy Spaniel
- Entlebucher Sennenhund
- Eurasier
- Field Spaniel
- Fila Brasileiro
- Flat-Coated Retriever
- Fox Terrier
- French Spaniel
- German Pinscher
- German Shorthaired Pointer
- German Wirehaired Pointer
- Giant Schnauzer
- Glen of Imaal Terrier
- Golden Retriever
- Gordon Setter
- Great Dane
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
- Greyhound
- Harrier
- Havanese
- Hovawart
- Husky
- Ibizan Hound
- Icelandic Sheepdog
- Irish Setter
- Irish Terrier
- Irish Water Spaniel
- Irish Wolfhound
- Italian Greyhound
- Italian Volpino
- Keeshond
- King Charles Spaniel
- Lhasa Apso
- Papillon
- Pekingese
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi
- Poodle
- Pug
- Puli
- Rhodesian Ridgeback
- Saint Bernard
- Schipperke
- Schnauzer
- Shar Pei
- Siberian Husky
- Whippet
Many other dog breed license plate frames can be found under the breed-specific categories found here. If you don't see your breed yet, please inquire.
Adopt Don't Shop Merchandise
Show your support for shelter pet adoption with the Adopt Don't Shop red heart design featured on many items — mugs, stickers, shirts, pet bowls, water bottles, mousepads, clocks, cards, hats, baby and kid shirts, hoodies, throw pillows, keepsake boxes, magnets, framed tiles, tile coasters, notebooks and buttons. They make great gifts for animal lovers as well as for purchasing in bulk and distributing to raise awareness for dogs/puppies, cats/kittens, birds, hamsters, rabbits, iguanas, etc, found in animal shelters. Shop at cafepress or zazzle

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